Blockly > Demos

These demos are intended for developers who want to integrate Blockly with their own applications.

Fixed Blockly
Inject Blockly into a page as a fixed element.
Resizable Blockly
Inject Blockly into a page as a resizable element.
Defining the Toolbox
Organize blocks into categories for the user.
Maximum Block Limit
Limit the total number of blocks allowed (for academic exercises).
Generate JavaScript
Turn blocks into code and execute it.
Generate code from XML without graphics.
JS Interpreter
Step by step execution in JavaScript.
Instant updates when blocks are changed.
See what Blockly looks like in right-to-left mode (for Arabic and Hebrew).
Using Closure Templates to support 35 languages.
Cloud Storage
Save and load blocks with App Engine.
Code Editor
Export a Blockly program into JavaScript, Python, Dart or XML.
Block Factory
Build custom blocks using Blockly.